If you have any corrections or update, please send me e-mail.

Welcome to "how to" page for Westland-built Seakings - UK HC.4/HAS.5 and Qatari Mk.2A/2C/3. The site will be divided by scale and then by type.


In August 2023 Airfix released new tool Sea King HAS.5 in 1:48, kit no. A11006
This is probably the best Seaking HAS.5 so far in any scale.
If you want to build proper UK HAS.5 Sea King from Gulf war from Airfix kit number A11006, you need to make some "tweaks and updates" to the kit.
If you want to build proper Qatari Mk.3 Seaking from Airfix kit number A11006, you need to make some "tweaks and updates" to the kit and probably "mix and match" some parts from A11008 HC.4 kit (more on that later)

In December 2024 Airfix released new tool Sea King HC.4 in 1:48, kit no. A11008
This is the probably the best Westland-built Seaking Commando version so far in any scale.
If you want to build proper UK HC.4/Qatari Mk.2A/2C Seaking from Airfix kit number A11008, you need to make some "tweaks and updates" to the kit and maybe cross-kitting with A11006 HAS kit for specific Qatari Seakings parts.


Starter kit is Airfix A11006 Westland Sea King HAS.1/5/HU.5

Probable configuration of HAS.5s in Gulf war: (based on available pictures and info)

ZE422: BS 381C:637 Medium Sea Grey camouflage - no barn doors, no EAPS, installed - starboard classic sponson, FLIR, front pylons, dual chaff/flare launchers on port side, GPS antenna on tail, IR jammer mounting frame brackets only
XV661: BS 381C:637 Medium Sea Grey camouflage - no barn doors, no EAPS, installed - starboard MAD sponson, FLIR, front pylons, - the rest probably same as XV661, but there are no photos
XZ571: BS 381C:637 Medium Sea Grey camouflage - no GPS antenna, installed - starboard MAD sponson, Menagerie, 21/05/89 barn door ramp, front pylons
XZ575: BS 381C:637 Medium Sea Grey camouflage, installed 11/08/91 - starboard MAD sponson, Menagerie, barn door ramp
XZ577: BS 381C:638 Dark Sea Grey camouflage, installed - starboard MAD sponson, IR jammers, cargo hook assembly, front pylons, Menagerie
ZA137: BS 381C:637 Medium Sea Grey camouflage, installed - starboard MAD sponson, IR jammers, cargo hook assembly, front pylons, Menagerie, barn door ramp


kit part A2 - Step 65
kit part A6 - Step 66 - cut out the gravity-filled refuelling point as per instructions
kit part B18 - strake
kit part B28 - starboard aft window blanking plate
kit parts B29 and B31 - port front and aft window blanking plates
kit part C15 - 3 gravity-filled refuelling points - installed all 3
kit parts D8 - composite main rotor blades
kit part D5 and D9 - 6-bladed tail rotor
kit parts D33 and D34 - rear view mirrors
kit parts D23, D30, D38 and D39 - winch assembly
kit parts D17 and D18 - pitot tubes
kit part D16 - fuel dump
kit part D22 - I-Band transponder
kit part D19 - UHF wire antenna - add thin wire between moulded-on antenna on starboard sponson and two kit parts D19, check pictures
kit part D21 - antenna
kit part E1 - with mounts for UHF homing aerials
kit parts F8 and F13 - big dorsal cover for MEL ARI.5991 Sea Searcher I-band surface-search radar
kit part F5 - tail drive shaft cover
kit part F19 - sonar bay blanking plate
kit part G20 - Step 73 - install the gravity-filled refuelling point as per instructions
kit parts G1 and G2 - nose mounted Racal MIR 2 ESM "Orange Crop" RWRs
kit parts G10, G22, G23, G24, G25, G32, G34, G35 - antenna
kit part G31 - electronics cooling exhaust - different shape, compare with pictures
kit parts G3, G4, G5 and G6 - fuselage mounted Racal MIR 2 ESM "Orange Crop" RWRs
kit parts A11008/H17 and H22 - GPMG and a pintle mount
kit part X1 - light next to the winch
kit part X15 - port bulged middle window
kit part X16 - starboard non bulged front window
kit part X19 - anti collision beacon - under the nose - red color
kit part X19 - uanti collision beacon - tip of the tail - red color
kit part X20 - AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer
kit part X22 - starboard non bulged window
kit part X24 - non bulged port crew door window

Not installed:

Step 35 till 43 - Parts F43, F44, F15, F27, F33, F34, F30, F14, F25
Step 46 - Parts G11, G12, G13
Step 57 - do not install the console
Step 58 - do not install the seat
Step 64 - kit part F6
kit part F9 - short step under the port sliding doors
kit part C17 - long step under the port sliding doors
kit parts C15 and C16 - vertical strengthening plates (MOD 830 introduced to reinforce the frames at station 493) on the joint of fuselage and tail - they were NOT on Gulf war HAS.5, so remove them and replace the lost rivets and lines
kit part D27 - VOR/ILS localiser
kit part X15 - starboard bulged window
kit parts D37 - hand holds
kit parts D7 - metal main rotor blades
kit part G15 - ?
kit parts C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9 and C10 - EAPS - probably removed thanks to "hot" conditions when sand/debris was not a risk and the added power outweighted the higher risk of F.O.D
kit parts C1 and C6 - FOD ramp - probably removed thanks to "hot" conditions when icing was not a risk and the added power outweighted the higher risk of F.O.D
kit part C16 - DO NOT drill the holes under the sliding doors as in instructions Page 4 (they are for short steps which were not installed)
kit part C16 - DO NOT fill the holes above the sliding doors as in instructions Page 4 (they are for the winch which was installed)

Missing in the kit:

Trimble NAVSTAR GPS - looks like only ZE422 and XV661 had it installed on kit part F5, in 1/3rd of the last tail shaft panel
longer starboard MAD sponson - MAD and winch assembly removed in 80s, so the pylon is empty
frame for AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer - there were atleast two different types of frames, with different lightening holes setup - why ? (probably installed on XZ577 only ? ZE422 had frame mount brackets only) - you can use kit parts A11008/H40, H41, H42, H43 - IR jammer mount frame (big holes version) - add connecting wire between fuselage to IR jammer kit parts X20
dual M-130 chaff/flare launchers on port/starboard side next to fuselage/tail joint - probably on both sides as on HC.4 ? - you can use kit parts A11008/H44, H45, H60, H61
GPMG and the pintle mount - hidden in cabin, so no external difference, mount when opening the side sliding door - you can use kit parts A11008/H17 and H22
SAR equipment - hidden in cabin, so no external differences install when opening the sliding door
Plain and Secure Speech Radios - hidden in cabin, so no external difference
For machines ZE422 and XV661, you can use the G7 and G8 parts for the GEC Avionics "Sandpiper" FLIR used in Gulf. Fill in the 3 windows and make one bigger window, then scratchbuild the inverted tripod mount or use the SEMA models tripod and scratchbuild the FLIR ball itself. You also need to add the strenghtening plates under the tripod mounts, check the pictures.

Updates for the kit:

Eduard - EX989 mask, EX990 TFace mask, 3DL48145 3D instrument panel, 491395 color PE set, FE1395 color PE set ZOOM, FE1397 seatbelts, 648930 resin wheels, 644248 resin instrument and overhead panels, 491405 rear cargo interior, 644257 resin set PLUS
BAM models - BAM48097 crew door, 48099 main rotor head, 480100 overhead console, 480100 main and tail landing gear with wheels
SEMA Models - Sea King Mk.41 (Germany) conversion set - usable parts: HF Radio Antenna pylons, Pitot tubes, Fuel jettison pipe, Tie Down Hooks, Lifting frame
New Ware - NWAM1159 ADVANCED kabuki masks all windows including seal masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details, NWAM1160 EXPERT kabuki masks all windows including seal and inner side masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details
Quinta Studio - QD48430 HAS.5 3D-Printed and coloured Interior, QDS-48430 HAS.5 3D-Printed and coloured Interior (Small version), QD48432 sonar screen, QR48058 seat pad with seatbelts
Air Graphic Models - AC48-02 sand filter set, AC48-03 6-bladed tail rotor
3DLINE models - MA01009 masks
CT scale models - CTM011 masks
3DPM - DPM48077 Crew Door
Aires - 4912 pilot and co-pilot seats, 4918 crew seats
JSProduct - 48-101 weighted wheels and tail rotor
Ronin Graphics - RPM-067 masks
Blackdog - BDOA48199 nose electronics, BDOA48200 opened engines with covers, BDOA48201 BIG set BDOA48199 and BDOA48200, BDOA48203 nose electronics, engine electronics, BDOA48204 opened tail rotor shaft, BDOA48205 BIG set of BDA48203 and BDA48204
DN Models - 48/827-146 masks

UK HC.4 Commando

Starter kit is Airfix A11008 Westland Sea King HC.4

For configuration of specific airframe, check the 1:72 section.


kit part B18 - strake
kit part B28 - blanking plate for starboard aft window
kit part C15 - only 2 gravity-filled refuelling points on the starboard side, missing the middle one - use kit part J5 to fill it in
kit parts C15 and C16 - vertical strengthening plates (MOD 830 introduced to reinforce the frames at station 493) on the joint of fuselage and tail - they were NOT Gulf war HC.4s, EXCEPT airfarmes ZG820, ZG821 and ZG822 - remove them and replace the lost rivets and lines
kit parts C15 and C16 - drill holes for various antennas - use Variant A for ZA293/ZA296/ZA310/ZD476 and ZD478, use Variant C for airframes ZA291 and ZE425 ONLY and for all other airframes use Variant B (only unknown RWR config is for ZA298)
kit part C17 - long step on port side under the sliding window
kit parts D8 - composite main rotor blades
kit parts D5 and D9 - 6-bladed tail rotor + spider
kit part D16 - fuel dump
kit parts D17 and D18 - pitot tubes
kit parts D19 - HF antenna - add antenna from thin wire
kit part D21 - upper UHF/VHF antenna on tail rotor shaft cover
kit part D22 - I-Band transponder
kit parts D23, D30, D38 and D39 - winch assembly
kit part D26 - Decca navigational unit
kit parts D27 - VOR/ILS localiser antennas
kit parts D33 and D34 - rear view mirrors
kit parts D36
kit part E1 - with mounts for UHF homing aerials
kit part F5 - tail drive shaft cover
kit part F19 - sonar bay blanking plate
kit part H27 - remove the antenna base as per instructions, the antenna base with round shape needs to be replaces with squared one - (probably GPS-RNS 252 Super TANS-2 or Trimble GPS antenna location ?) - follow pictures (probably NOT installed on ZA310)
kit part H35 - antenna
kit parts H50, H51, H58, H59 - "Prophet"/AN-AAR-47 RWR antennas - additional antennas for ZA291 and ZE425 ONLY !!
kit parts H36, H37, H56, H57 - older RWR antennas
kit parts H40, H41, H42, H43 - AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer mount frame (big holes version) - add connecting wire between fuselage to IR jammer kit parts X20 - check pictures (fitted to (based on pics) - ZA296, ZA298, ZD476, ZD478, ZE425, ZF118 and ZF119)
kit parts H44, H45, H60, H61 - chaff/flare launchers
kit part J4 - antenna
kit part J7 - LORAN "towel rack" antenna
kit part J8 - lower UHF antenna
kit part J10 - nose panel with tipping light - Step 65 - remove the attachement point for antenna as per variant A, it was NOT on any Gulf war HC.4, there is an error for Scheme B ZA312/B !!
kit part J10 - nose panel with tipping light - Step 65: 3 variants - for airframes ZA293/ZA296/ZA310/ZD476 and ZD478 - use Variant A and DO NOT drill any holes RWR antennas, use Variant C for airframes ZA291 and ZE425 ONLY, for all other airframes use Variant B (only unknown RWR config is for ZA298)
kit part X1 - light next to the winch
kit part X3 - nose tipping light
kit part X10 - starboard non bulged window in sliding doors
kit part X11 - port aft bulged window
kit part X16 - starboard non bulged front window
kit part X18 - under the nose - anti collision beacon - red color
kit part X18 - top of the tail - anti collision beacon - red color
kit part X20 - AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer
kit parts X22 and X23 - port front and middle non bulged window
kit part X24 - port non bulged window for crew doors

Not installed:

kit parts B28, B29 and B31 - blanking out plates for fuselage windows
kit part C16 - DO NOT drill the holes under the sliding doors as in instructions Page 4 (they are for short steps which were not installed)
kit part C16 - DO NOT fill the holes above the sliding doors as in instructions Page 4 (they are for the winch which was installed)
kit parts D37 - hand holds
kit parts H1 - IR flood lights
kit part X15 - starboard bulged window
kit parts H17 and H22 - GPMG and a pintle mount - only shown on ZD746/ZE427/ZF118 pics, probably removed to make space for more cargo (one info says all airframes from 846 NAS were equipped with GPMGs)
kit part H26 - tail rotor shaft cover

Installed depending on picture:

kit parts C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9 and C10 - EAPS
kit parts C1 and C6 - FOD ramp

Missing in the kit:

Decals for the kit:

Kit includes decals for ZA312/B (NO fuselage strenghtening plates)
You can also use Xtradecal set X48246 for ZG820/F or Model Alliance MA48103 for ZG821/WN (it had "WE" code before) or Xtradecal set X48245 for ZG822/WF (all 3 airframes had the fuselage strenghtening plates factory installed)

Updates for the kit:

BAM models - BAM48097 crew door, 48099 main rotor head, 480100 overhead console, 480100 main and tail landing gear with wheels
New Ware - NWAM1159 ADVANCED kabuki masks all windows including seal masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details, NWAM1160 EXPERT kabuki masks all windows including seal and inner side masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details
SEMA Models - Sea King Mk.41 (Germany) conversion set - usable parts: HF Radio Antenna pylons, Pitot tubes, Centrisep EAPS filter exhausts, Fuel jettison pipe, Tie Down Hooks, Lifting frame
3DLINE models - MA01009 masks
CT scale models - CTM011 masks
Air Graphic Models - AC48-02 sand filter set, AC48-03 6-bladed tail rotor
3DPM - DPM48077 Crew Door
JSProduct - 48-101 weighted wheels and tail rotor, 48-102 Centrisep EAPS filter, 48-142 Cargo Frame and SACRU hook up point
Aires - 4912 pilot and co-pilot seats, 4918 crew seats
Blackdog - BDOA48199 nose electronics, BDOA48200 opened engines with covers, BDOA48201 BIG set BDOA48199 and BDOA48200, BDOA48203 nose electronics, engine electronics, BDOA48204 opened tail rotor shaft, BDOA48205 BIG set of BDA48203 and BDA48204
DN Models - 48/827-146 masks

Qatari Mk.2A (based on HC.4 Commando)

Starter kit is Airfix A11008 Westland Sea King HC.4


kit part A2 - rear wall for long cabin
kit parts B9 - engine intakes fitted when installing EAPS
kit part B28 - blanking plate for starboard aft window
kit parts C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9 and C10 - EAPS
kit part C15 - only 2 gravity-filled refuelling points on the starboard side, missing the middle one - use kit part J5 to fill it in
kit parts C15 and C16 - vertical strengthening plates (MOD 830 introduced to reinforce the frames at station 493) on the joint of fuselage and tail - they were NOT installed, so remove them and replace the lost rivets and lines
kit parts C15 and C16 - drill holes for various antennas
kit part C17 - long step on port side under the sliding window
kit parts D5 and D9 - 6-bladed metal tail rotor + spider
kit part D16 - fuel dump
kit parts D17 and D18 - pitot tubes
kit part D21 - upper UHF/VHF antenna on tail rotor shaft cover - either white or black, see pictures of specific airframe
kit parts D25 - use 2 blanking plates and relocate UHF antenna J8 (black) to one remaining hole - see picture
kit parts D23, D30, D38 and D39 - winch assembly
kit parts D33 and D34 - rear view mirrors
kit parts D36
kit part A11006/E1 + X21 - with mounts for UHF homing aerials, kit parts A11006/G16 + G17 (use wire for thinner antennas)
kit part H27 - tail drive shaft cover - remove the antenna base as per instructions and remove the antenna base with round shape
kit part J7 - LORAN "towel rack" antenna
kit part J9 - UHF homing antennas
kit part J10 - nose panel with controllable spotlight - Step 65 - remove the controllable spotlight box and remove the ILS glide slope antenna on the lower right side, so the nose is clean with just the battery box cover and grills - or use kit part A11006/F3
kit part X1 - light next to the winch
kit part X10 - starboard non bulged window in sliding doors
kit part X11 - port aft bulged window - Mk.2As had non bulged window, so you need to scratchbuild it
kit part X16 - starboard non bulged front window
kit part X18 - under the nose - anti collision beacon - red color
kit part X18 - top of the tail - anti collision beacon - red color
kit parts X22 and X23 - port front and middle non bulged window
kit part X24 - port non bulged window for crew doors
interior for troops - install all the seats

Not installed:

kit part B18 - strake
kit part B21 - lower nose plate
kit parts B29 and B31 - blanking plates for windows
kit parts D5 and D9 - 6-bladed tail rotor + spider
kit parts D8 - composite main rotor blades
kit parts D19 - HF antenna mounting poles
kit part D22 - I-Band transponder
kit part D26 - Decca navigational unit
kit parts D37 - grab handles
kit parts F1+F2 - 5-bladed tail rotor with spider
kit part F4 - nose panel with RWRs
kit part F6 - rear wall for short cabin
kit parts H1 - IR flood lights
kit part H35 - antenna
kit parts H32, H33, H38, H39 - modern RWR antennas
kit parts H50, H51, H58, H59 - Prophet RWR antennas
kit parts H36, H37, H56, H57 - older RWR antennas
kit parts H40, H41, H42, H43 - IR jammer mount frame
kit parts H44, H45, H60, H61 - chaff/flare launchers
kit part J4 - antenna
kit part X3 - nose tipping light
kit part X20 - AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer
Steps 177-183 - main rotor blades folding system

More research needed:

kit parts D7 - metal main rotor blades or D8 composite main rotor blades - helos were delivered between 10/10/1975-19/05/1976 with metal blades. Composite main rotor blades were available to UK MoD in 1985 and to Qatar AF in spring 1987. There is an info that the helos were upgraded between 1990-1992, but more research is needed.

kit parts D27 - VOR/ILS localiser antenna - probably upgraded during the service, when ?
after the delivery, the helos used whip antenna under the tail - later removed and probably replaced for HF wire antenna
different type of HF antenna on the port side of the fuselage - probably upgraded during the service, when ?
from the start, the helos used either gloss or semi-gloss finish. later in their service they were either semi-gloss or matt

Missing in the kit:

Updates for the kit:

Eduard - EX989 mask, EX990 TFace mask, FE1397 seatbelts, 648930 resin wheels
BAM models - BAM48097 crew door, 48099 main rotor head, 480100 overhead console, 480100 main and tail landing gear with wheels
New Ware - NWAM1159 ADVANCED kabuki masks all windows including seal masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details, NWAM1160 EXPERT kabuki masks all windows including seal and inner side masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details
SEMA Models - Sea King Mk.41 (Germany) conversion set - usable parts: HF Radio Antenna pylons, Pitot tubes, Centrisep EAPS filter exhausts, Fuel jettison pipe, Tie Down Hooks, Lifting frame
Air Graphic Models - AC48-02 sand filter set, AC48-03 6-bladed tail rotor
3DLINE models - MA01009 masks
CT scale models - CTM011 masks
3DPM - DPM48077 Crew Door
Aires - 4912 pilot and co-pilot seats, 4918 crew seats
JSProduct - 48-101 weighted wheels and tail rotor, 48-102 Centrisep EAPS filter
Blackdog - BDOA48199 nose electronics, BDOA48200 opened engines with covers, BDOA48201 BIG set BDOA48199 and BDOA48200, BDOA48203 nose electronics, engine electronics, BDOA48204 opened tail rotor shaft, BDOA48205 BIG set of BDA48203 and BDA48204
DN Models - 48/827-146 masks


Atleast one airframe, QA-22, was later repainted in lighter Mk.3 camo. During Gulf war, all Mk.2s wore the original darker camo.

Qatari Mk.2C VIP (based on HC.4 Commando)

Starter kit is Airfix A11008 Westland Sea King HC.4


kit part A2 - rear wall for long cabin
kit parts B9 - engine intakes fitted when installing EAPS
kit part B28 - blanking plate for starboard aft window
kit parts C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9 and C10 - EAPS
kit part C15 - only 2 gravity-filled refuelling points on the starboard side, missing the middle one - use kit part J5 to fill it in
kit parts C15 and C16 - vertical strengthening plates (MOD 830 introduced to reinforce the frames at station 493) on the joint of fuselage and tail - they were NOT installed, so remove them and replace the lost rivets and lines
kit parts C15 and C16 - drill holes for various antennas - use Variant A
kit parts D5 and D9 - 6-bladed metal tail rotor + spider
kit part D16 - fuel dump
kit parts D17 and D18 - pitot tubes
kit part D21 - upper UHF/VHF antenna on tail rotor shaft cover
kit parts D23, D30, D38 and D39 - winch assembly
kit parts D33 and D34 - rear view mirrors
kit parts D36
kit part A11006/E1 + X21 - with mounts for UHF homing aerials
kit part H27 - tail drive shaft cover - remove the antenna base as per instructions and remove the antenna base with round shape
kit part J7 - LORAN "towel rack" antenna
kit part J8 - lower UHF antenna
kit part J10 - nose panel with tipping light - Step 65 - remove the tipping light box and remove the antenna on the lower right side, so the nose is clean with the battery box cover and grills - or use kit part A11006/F3
kit part X18 - under the nose - anti collision beacon - red color
kit part X18 - top of the tail - anti collision beacon - red color

Not installed:

kit part B18 - strake
kit part B21 - lower nose plate
kit parts B29 and B31 - blanking plates for windows
kit part C17 - long step on port side under the sliding window
kit parts D5 and D9 - 6-bladed tail rotor + spider
kit parts D8 - composite main rotor blades
kit parts D19 - HF antenna mounting poles
kit part D22 - I-Band transponder
kit part D26 - Decca navigational unit
kit parts D37 - grab handles
kit parts F1+F2 - 5-bladed tail rotor with spider
kit part F4 - nose panel with RWRs
kit part F6 - rear wall for short cabin
kit parts H1 - IR flood lights
kit part H35 - antenna
kit parts H50, H51, H58, H59 - Prophet RWR antennas
kit parts H36, H37, H56, H57 - older RWR antennas
kit parts H40, H41, H42, H43 - IR jammer mount frame
kit parts H44, H45, H60, H61 - chaff/flare launchers
kit part J4 - antenna
kit part X1 - light next to the winch
kit part X3 - nose tipping light
kit part X10 - starboard non bulged window in sliding doors
kit part X11 - port aft bulged window
kit part X16 - starboard non bulged front window
kit part X20 - AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer
kit parts X22 and X23 - port front and middle non bulged window
kit part X24 - port non bulged window for crew doors
Steps 177-183 - main rotor blades folding system

More research needed:

kit parts D7 - metal main rotor blades or D8 composite main rotor blades - helos were delivered between 10/10/1975-19/05/1976 with metal blades. Composite main rotor blades were available to UK MoD in 1985 and to Qatar AF in spring 1987. There is an info that the helos were upgraded between 1990-1992, but more research is needed.

kit parts D27 - VOR/ILS localiser antenna - probably upgraded during the service, when ?
different type of HF antenna on the port side of the fuselage - probably upgraded during the service, when ?

Missing in the kit:

different window setup on port side with two added "rails" above and below them (probably for keeping the fuselage from twisting) - check pictures and scratchbuild it
different door setup on starboard side - no sliding door, but up-and-down fold out doors with stairs with added 1 window - same size as the kit´s part X16 - check pictures and scratchbuild it
add one more window on the starboard side - same size as the kit´s part X16 - check pictures and scratchbuild it
duct for cabling/aircondition ? on starboard side - check pictures and scratchbuild it

Updates for the kit:

Eduard - EX989 mask, EX990 TFace mask, FE1397 seatbelts, 648930 resin wheels
BAM models - BAM48097 crew door, 48099 main rotor head, 480100 overhead console, 480100 main and tail landing gear with wheels
New Ware - NWAM1159 ADVANCED kabuki masks all windows including seal masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details, NWAM1160 EXPERT kabuki masks all windows including seal and inner side masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details
SEMA Models - Sea King Mk.41 (Germany) conversion set - usable parts: HF Radio Antenna pylons, Pitot tubes, Centrisep EAPS filter exhausts, Fuel jettison pipe, Tie Down Hooks, Lifting frame
Air Graphic Models - AC48-02 sand filter set, AC48-03 6-bladed tail rotor
3DLINE models - MA01009 masks
CT scale models - CTM011 masks
3DPM - DPM48077 Crew Door
Aires - 4912 pilot and co-pilot seats, 4918 crew seats
JSProduct - 48-101 weighted wheels and tail rotor, 48-102 Centrisep EAPS filter
Blackdog - BDOA48199 nose electronics, BDOA48200 opened engines with covers, BDOA48201 BIG set BDOA48199 and BDOA48200, BDOA48203 nose electronics, engine electronics, BDOA48204 opened tail rotor shaft, BDOA48205 BIG set of BDA48203 and BDA48204
DN Models - 48/827-146 masks

Qatari Mk.3 (based on HC.4 Commando with stretched cabin and greater fuel supply, but with floats similar to HAS.5)

Starter kit is Airfix A11006 Westland Sea King HAS.5. It will need some parts from A11008 HC.4 kit, so either you need to buy some sprues from Airfix, or copy some specific parts, or buy both kits and combine the parts + add another parts, more in following text.


kit part A6 - do not cut out the middle gravity-filled refuelling point
kit parts B9 - engine intakes fitted when installing EAPS
kit part B18 - strake
kit parts C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9 and C10 - EAPS
kit part C15 - 2 gravity-filled refuelling points on the starboard side - fill in the middle point with either kit part A11008/J5 or with a thin plastic strip
kit part C17 - long HC.4-like step on port side under the sliding window

kit parts D5 and D9 - 6-bladed metal tail rotor + spider
kit parts D23, D30, D38 and D39 - winch assembly
kit part D16 - fuel dump
kit part D22 - I-Band transponder
kit parts D27 - VOR/ILS localiser antenna - on tail, position above the tailwheel and slightly to the aft, check pictures - the holes are in both sides of the fuselage kit parts C15/C16, but unmarked
kit parts E2 and E3 - small dorsal radar dome for (MEL) ARI 5995 radar
kit part E9 - tail rotor shaft cover - installed (CHECK INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANTENNAS)
kit part E1 - with mounts for UHF homing earials
kit part X16 - starboard non bulged front window
kit part X10 - starboard non bulged window in sliding doors
kit parts X22 and X23 - port front and middle non bulged window
kit part X24 - port non bulged window for crew doors
kit part X15 - port bulged rear window
kit part X1 - light next to the winch
kit part X18 (not in instructions, in place of X17/X19) - anti collision beacon - red color
kit part X18 (not in instructions, in place of X17/X19) - anti collision beacon - red color

Not installed:

kit parts D37 - grab handles
kit parts C15 and C16 - vertical strengthening plates on the joint of fuselage and tail - they were NOT on Gulf war Mk.3s, so remove them and replace the lost rivets and lines
kit parts G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 and G6 - nose and fuselage mounted Racal MIR 2 ESM "Orange Crop" RWRs

More research needed:

kit parts D7 - metal main rotor blades or D8 composite main rotor blades - helos were delivered between 26/11/1982-04/01/1984 with metal blades. Composite main rotor blades were available to UK MoD in 1985 and to Qatar in spring 1987. There is an info that the helos were upgraded between 1990-1992, but more research is needed. The picture from Gulf from Mike Kopack shows QA-33 with metal blades. So, there is a possibility that they were upgraded to composite blades after the Gulf war.

Missing in the kit:

LORAN "towel rack" antenna - kit part A11008/J7
nose panel with tipping light - kit part A11008/J10 + X3
attachment points with AM-39 Exocet rails
(NOTE: attachment points on all airframes, but no pics for QA-34, QA-35, QA-36 and QA-37 with either rails or rails with Exocets)
(NOTE 2: only one picture shows 2 x AM-39 Exocet rockets carried together, for QA-30 during pre-delivery trials)
(NOTE 3: the support struts for Exocet rails are different from Brazil (Sikorski-built) Seakings, but same as on Pakistani (Westland-built) Seakings
port pressure-refuelling point - next to the sliding door like on HC.4, BUT moved more aft (check and compare with pictures) - probably due to interference with cable connections for the AM-39 Exocet rails (photo of Brazilian Sikorski-built Seaking shows connection to rails in the place of the pressure-refuelling point)
HAS-like sponsons - Kit A11006 steps 99 - 133
sponsons have no provisions for integral floatation bags, instead they are carrying HC.4-like disc floatation gear on outer side of the sponsons (kit parts A11006/H2, H3, H4, H9, H46, H47, H48, H49) - remove the integral floatation bags on Parts E20 and E21 and fill in the empty space - compare with pictures and use the parts to construct the specific floatation gear

Decals for the kit:

You can use Xtradecal decal set X48247 for "QA-30".

Updates for the kit:

Eduard - EX989 mask, EX990 TFace mask, FE1397 seatbelts, 648930 resin wheels, 648194 2x AM-39 Exocet missiles
BAM models - BAM48097 crew door, 48099 main rotor head, 480100 overhead console, 480100 main and tail landing gear with wheels
SEMA Models - Sea King Mk.41 (Germany) conversion set - usable parts: HF Radio Antenna pylons, Pitot tubes, Centrisep EAPS filter exhausts, Fuel jettison pipe, Tie Down Hooks, Lifting frame
New Ware - NWAM1159 ADVANCED kabuki masks all windows including seal masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details, NWAM1160 EXPERT kabuki masks all windows including seal and inner side masks, other clear parts, wheels, camouflage details
Quinta Studio - QD48432 sonar screen, QR48058 seat pad with seatbelts
Air Graphic Models - AC48-02 sand filter set, AC48-03 6-bladed tail rotor
3DLINE models - MA01009 masks
CT scale models - CTM011 masks
3DPM - DPM48077 Crew Door
Aires - 4912 pilot and co-pilot seats, 4918 crew seats
JSProduct - 48-101 weighted wheels and tail rotor, 48-102 Centrisep EAPS filter
Blackdog - BDOA48199 nose electronics, BDOA48200 opened engines with covers, BDOA48201 BIG set BDOA48199 and BDOA48200, BDOA48203 nose electronics, engine electronics, BDOA48204 opened tail rotor shaft, BDOA48205 BIG set of BDA48203 and BDA48204
DN Models - 48/827-146 masks



For specific airframe configuration, check the 1:48 section.

Base kit: Revell 04450


kit parts 104 and 105 - 6-bladed tail rotor
kit parts 28 and 29 - FOD ramp - probably removed thanks to "hot" conditions when icing was not a risk and the added power outweighted the higher risk of F.O.D
kit parts 106 and 107 - big dorsal radar cover for ARI.5991 MEL Sea Searcher I-band surface-search radar
kit parts 53, 54, 55 and 56 - winch assembly
kit part 68 - Pitot tubes
kit part 108 - strake
kit part 124 - antenna
kit part 115 - bottom position light
kit part 116 - antenna
kit part 74 and 75 - antenna - attach thin wire between the antenna poles
kit parts 113 and 114 - antennas
kit parts 121 and 122 - antennas
kit part 142 - antenna
kit part 46 - fuel dump
kit part 60 - sonar hole cover
kit part 139 - mount it backwards from instructions pointing 45 degrees down, some kind of cooling exhaust
kit part 96 - nose with mounted Racal MIR 2 ESM "Orange Crop" RWRs
kit parts 102 and 103 - long port sponson (the MAD and the winch assembly was removed to save weight)
kit parts 109, 110, 111 and 112 - fuselage mounted Racal MIR 2 ESM "Orange Crop" RWRs

Not installed:

kit part 47 - VOR/ILS localiser
kit part 57 - small radar dome
kit parts 69 and 70 - weather radar
kit part 140
kit parts 43 and 44 - 5-bladed tail rotor
kit part 26 - nose panel with tipping light
kit parts 97, 98, 99, 100 and 101 - EAPS

Missing in the kit:

Trimble NAVSTAR GPS - looks like only XV661 had it installed, check pictures ?
frame for AN/ALQ-157 IR jammers - two different frames, why ? - in Airfix HC.4 kit parts F20+F21, but maybe wrong version, check ?
AN/ALQ-157 IR jammers - in Airfix HC.4 kit parts E15
dual M-130 chaff/flare launchers on port side next to fuselage/tail joint
GPMG and the pintle mount - hidden in cabin, so no external difference, mount when opening the side sliding door - in Airwaves AES72127 set or in Airfix A04056 HC.4 kit part F27 (pintle mount)
SAR equipment - hidden in cabin, so no external differences
Plain and Secure Speech Radios - hidden in cabin, so no external difference
GEC Avionics "Sandpiper" FLIR - in resin set from Airwaves SC72106 - need to scratchbuild the mounting bracket - starboard side, ahead of the front pylon, simillar to S-61N/L mount
starboard side fuselage - middle gravity-filled refuelling point - compare with pictures and update the fuselage


In December 2015 Airfix released new tool Sea King HC.4 in 1:72, kit no. A04056.
This is probably the best HC.4 so far, because Airfix used LIDAR (laser scanner) to scan the original 1:1 airframe and convert it to CAD design and produce 1:72 kit.
Unfortunately, the kit is not great in details and also the scribing is so so, definetly not something you could expect in 21st century ....
If you want to build proper HC.4 Sea King from Gulf war from Airfix kit, you need to make some "tweaks" to the kit.
Following is a table with "lumps and bumps" configuration, as there were few setups thanks to ongoing upgrade of electronics etc.

Configuration of antennas, accesories and camouflage schemes

All the information in the table below is based on available pics !! And, yes, it could changed while in Gulf, there is just not the photo proof, yet.

ser. no.EAPS
IR jammer frame
AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer
A5+A7RWR setupTracor M-130
"towel rack" antenna
ZA291 VN   yes3 yesyespink*2, RWR setup from info only
ZA293 VPyesyes yes1 (3 in 1992) yesyespinkEAPS + ALQ frame during washdown
ZA296 VK yesyesyes1 (later 2)yesyesyespinkF.O.D. ramp
ZA298 WA/WJ   yes  yesyespink 
ZA310 VQ nonoyes1noyesyespinkF.O.D. ramp
ZA312 Byesnonoyes2yesyesyespinkinvasion stripes
ZA313 Eyesnonoyes2 (3 in 1992)yesyesyespinkinvasion stripes
ZA314 WD/WMyesnonoyes2yesyesyespink*1
ZD476 VJyesyesyesyes1yesyesyespinkAN/ALQ-157 on pic with F.O.D. only
ZD477 Ayesnonoyes2 (3 in 1993)yesyesyespinkinvasion stripes, M-130 on invasion stripes pic only
ZD478 VMyesyesnoyes1yesyesyespink 
ZD480 Cyesnonoyes2 (3 in 1992)yesyesyespinkinvasion stripes
ZE427 WB/WKyesnonoyes2yesyesyespinkEAPS + invasion stripes with "WK"
ZE428 WC/WLyesnonoyes2noyesyespinkEAPS + invasion stripes with "WL"
ZF117 Dyesnonoyes2 (3 in 1993)yesyesyespinkEAPS + M-130 + invasion stripes, orange ID panel behind rotor head
ZF118 VLnoyesyesyes2yesyesyesgreenF.O.D. ramp
ZF119 VOyesyesyesyes2yesyesyesgreenF.O.D. ramp or EAPS
ZG820 Fyesnonoyes2 (3 in 1992)yesyesyespinkinvasion stripes, orange ID panel behind rotor head
ZG821 WE/WNyesnonoyes2 (3 in 1993)noyesyespinkinvasion stripes on "WN" only
ZG822 WF/WOyesnonoyes2 yesyespink 
*1 - as WD - no invasion stripes, no EAPS, no F.O.D. ramp, no chaff/flare, no IR jammer
*2 - there is no pic of ZA291 in Gulf setup, only info that it had everything installed
NOTE: where there is no info of "yes/no", there are no pics to prove it.

Abbreviations: (antennas and other "lumps and bumps")


01 - front small RWR "Prophet" - in kit moulded on part no. F12
02 - HF antenna - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit parts no. A5+A7 (antenna masts) + thin wire for the antenna itself
03 - lower UHF antenna - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit part no. C9
04 - DME antenna - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit moulded on parts no. A1+A2
05 - rear small RWR "Prophet" - not in the kit (they should be, they are part of the rear hemisphere if the airframe has the front hemisphere antennas)
06 - VOR/ILS localiser antenna - every airframe had this antenna installed (on both sides of the fuselage) - not in the kit (they are in Revell kit)
07 - upper UHF/VUHF - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit moulded on part A1 BUT it is wrong shape - compare and trim by pictures
08 - Trimble NAVSTAR GPS - every airframe had this antenna installed (except ZA310 - maybe installed later ? no photo proof yet) - NOT moulded in the kit
09 - V tac antenna - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit part no. F28
10 - I band transponder - in kit moulded on part no. A1


01 - I band transponder - in kit moulded on part no. A1
02 - V tac antenna - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit part no. F28
03 - VOR/ILS localiser antenna - every airframe had this antenna installed (on both sides of the fuselage) - not in the kit (they are in Revell kit)
04 - M-130 chaff/flare - mounted on both sides of rear fuselage - it is possible, that during the conflict, all airframes had them installed - no photo proof for every airframe - check the pics - in kit parts no. F15+F16
05 - fuel dump - every airframe had this installed - in kit part no. C5
06 - VAIR - every airframe had this installed - in kit part no. C8
07 - DME antenna - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit moulded on parts no. A1+A2
08 - ADF "towel rack" antenna under the fuselage - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit part no. C11
09 - Decca navigation unit - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit part no. C28 - NOT IN INSTRUCTIONS !!!
10 - Trimble NAVSTAR GPS - every airframe had this antenna installed (except ZA310 - maybe installed later ? no photo proof yet - photo proof on pic from 1992) - NOT moulded in the kit
11 - upper UHF/VUHF - every airframe had this antenna installed - in kit moulded on part A1 BUT it is wrong shape - compare and trim by pictures
12 - AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer frame - not every airframe had installed either just the IR jammer frame or the frame with IR jammer - it is possible, that during the conflict, all airframes had them installed - no photo proof for every airframe - check the pic - in kit parts no. F20+F21 - in the exterior PE set from Eduard, but wrong type !! (the sides has round lightening holes, but in Gulf the frames had one big lightening hole)

bottom arrangement of antennas from the kit instructions

01 - I band transponder
02 - V tac antenna
03 - fuel dump
04 - M-130
05 - ADF antenna
06 - lower UHF antenna
07 - lower VHF antenna
08 - anti-collision beacon
09 - Chelton UHF homing antenna
10 - radar altimeter antenna
11 - controllable co-pilot spotlight
12 - fixed floodlights
13 - DME antenna
14 - doppler antenna
15 - ILS marker

Other things, for detail check other pics on my site:

EAPS - Engine Air Particle Separator - special sand/dust filter on engine intake - from pictures, some airframes had them installed, some had only the F.O.D. ramp and some had even removed the F.O.D. ramp - it is possible, that during the conflict, all except the shipborn airframes (ZF118 and ZF119), had them installed - no photo proof for every airframe - in kit parts no. D9+C17 - upgrade it with parts from Eduard set 72617 - 1,2,3,4,5 and 34
AN/ALQ-157 IR jammer - not every airframe had installed either just the IR jammer frame or the frame with IR jammer - it is possible, that during the conflict, all airframes had them installed - no photo proof for every airframe - check the pics - in kit part no. E15
GPMG and the pintle mount - every airframe had the fitting to use the GPMG - there is a photo proof of using them in Gulf - the pintle mount in the kit is correct, the gun is M2 version, UK airframes had GPMG, so replace it with e.g. Airwaves AES72127

There were 3 types of RWR setup:

1 - NO RWRs at all - check THIS (kit part F12) and: 1 - remove, 2 - fill and sand, 3 - leave (ILS/glide slope antenna), 4 - remove and sand
2 - "Prophet" older RWRs - small antennas on lower part of the nose + small antennas just ahead of the tail wheel - check THIS (kit part F12) and: 1 - remove, 2 - fill and sand, 3 - leave (ILS/glide slope antenna), 4 - leave. The kit is missing the small antennas mounted just ahead of the tail wheel - see THIS just below the M-130 mount - antennas are on both sides of the fuselage !!
3 - "Prophet"/AN-AAR-47 newest RWR - long nose mounted antennas (above the old antenas) (kit parts no. F22+F23 - NOT IN INSTRUCTIONS !!!) + long rear side fuselage mounted antennas (in the kit parts F24 + F25) - airframes ZA291 and ZE425 ONLY !! - check THIS (kit part F12) and: 1 - remove, 2 - install kit parts no. F22+F23 here, 3 - leave (ILS/glide slope antenna), 4 - leave. Additional pics of the front and rear antennas - FRONT and REAR

Additional pics of the modern HC.4 with great details HERE

Decals for the kit:

Kit includes decals for ZA296/VK (NO fuselage strenghtening plates)
You can also use Model Alliance MA72103 decal set for ZG821/WN (it had "WE" code before) or Xtradecal X72218 decal set for ZG822/WF (both airframes have the fuselage strengthening plates).

Updates for the kit:
Eduard - 72617 exterior, 73545 interior, CX437 canopy mask, SS545 ZOOM

Additional info and configuration regarding the kit:

F11 - commando step - not so nice, replace it with PE parts from Eduard PE sets (parts 72617/6 and 9)
F3, C1, C2, C3 - seats in cargo compartment - all machines had them installed
C7 - Chelton UHF homing antenna - oval antenna cover with two protruding rods under the nose - remove the rods as they are not seen on the pictures which are available
E13 - "BriteStar" IR lamp - one info I have is that they installed only one on port side for Gulf ops - not installed according to pictures
F26+F27 - door mounted gun - in kit it is M2 version, UK airframes had GPMG, so replace it with Airwaves AES72127
B7+C29+D13 - winch assembly - all pics shows it installed on every airframe
C24+C25 - F.O.D. ramp
vertical strenghtening plates (on parts A1 and A2) - remove it EXCEPT you are building airframes ZG820, ZG821 and ZG822 !! they were retroffited later and were only on ZGxxx airframes from factory
main rotor blades - correct composite version for Gulf airframes
the kit is missing rear view mirrors (not in Eduard PE)
the kit is completely missing rivets
the kit has nearly toy-like rotor head, rebuild it or replace it (from Revell or Fujimi)
the kit is completely missing the cargo sling assembly, I will try to find the picture and how to replicate it

Additional info about camouflages:

orange ID panel on the spine behind the rotor on engine housing - known pictures of ZF117/D and ZG820/F, there is no photo proof for additional airframes, but probably all had them painted
the large patches of fresh desert pink color on some helos are oversprayed UK flags
in one picture, some helos had the UK flag painted under the nose, on they way to Gulf, then probably resprayed desert pink again
ZF118/VL had the nose and fuselage sprayed UK flag during whole conflict

If you want to build proper Gulf war Seaking HC.4 from Airfix kit, you should NOT USE parts:

C10 - antenna
F31+F32 - probably some modern antennas ? - not installed according to pictures
F17/F18 - nose mounted RWR antennas - newest type, not used in Gulf
B12 - 5 bladed tail rotor - all Gulf Sea Kings had 6 bladed tail rotors
F33 - RWR mounted under the tail - not installed on Gulf war airframes

Qatari Mk.2A (based on HC.4 Commando)

Base kit: Airfix A04056 HC.4


kit parts E1 and E2 - starboard side windows
kit part E5 - starboard side aft window - replace it for non-bulged window
kit part F19 - port side blanking window
kit part E3 - port side window
kit part C5 - fuel dump
kit parts B7, D13, C29 - winch assembly
kit part C11 - LORAN antenna
kit part E14 - lower position light
kit part C9 - antenna
kit parts C17 and D9 - EAPS
kit parts D14 and D15 - Pitot tubes

Not installed:

kit part F11 - steps
kit parts F21 - IR jammer frames
kit parts F15, F16, F24, F25, F31, F32, F17, F18, F28, F33, C8 - various antennas
kit part E13 - IR light
kit parts E15 - IR jammers
kit parts A5 and A7 - antenna poles

Missing in the kit:

VOR/ILS localiser antenna - on tail, position above the tailwheel and slightly to the aft, check pictures (probably added during some retrofit ?)
metal main rotor blades - updated to composite, when ?
various antennas, compare with pictures and scratchbuild

Qatari Mk.2C VIP (based on HC.4 Commando)

Base kit: Airfix A04056 HC.4

kit part C5 - fuel dump
kit part C11 - LORAN antenna
kit part E14 - lower position light
kit part C9 - antenna
kit parts C17 and D9 - EAPS
kit part F12 - remove all the antenna bumps
kit parts D14 and D15 - Pitot tubes

Not installed:

kit part F11 - steps
kit parts F21 - IR jammer frames
kit parts F15, F16, F24, F25, F31, F32, F17, F18, F28, F33, C8 - various antennas
kit part E13 - IR light
kit parts E15 - IR jammers
kit parts A5 and A7 - antenna poles

Missing in the kit:

different door setup on port side - compare with pictures and scratchbuild
different windows setup on port and starboard side - compare with pictures and scratchbuild
VOR/ILS localiser antenna - on tail, position above the tailwheel and slightly to the aft, check pictures
metal main rotor blades
various antennas, compare with pictures and scratchbuild

Qatari Mk.3 (based on HC.4 Commando with stretched cabin and greater fuel supply, but with floats similar to HAS.5)

Base kit: Revell 04411 or 04899 Mk.41


kit part 13 - cut out the fuselage and install bulged window kit part 17 + windows kit part 15 and 16
kit parts 97, 98, 99, 100 and 101 - EAPS
kit part 57 - small dorsal MEL ARI.5995 Sea Searcher radar dome
kit part 108 - strake
kit part 68 - Pitot tubes
kit part 104 and 105 - 6-bladed tail rotor
kit part 62 - LORAN antenna
kit parts 53, 54, 55 and 56 - winch assembly
kit parts 47 - VOR/ILS localiser antenna - on tail, position above the tailwheel and slightly to the aft, check pictures
kit parts 30, 31, 38 and 39 - HAS.3-like short sponsons - but remove the flotation bags from kit parts 30 and 38, and install "Commando/HC.4"-like flotation gear installed with floats in disc and with compressed gas balls (only in Airfix A04056 HC.4 kit), do not install the enlarged lights on parts 30 and 38
kit part 46 - fuel dump

Not installed:

kit part 18 - do not cut out the fuselage and install bulged window kit part 17
kit part 18 - install window kit part 16
kit parts 28 and 29 - anti-ice shield
kit parts 69 and 70 - weather radar
kit parts 64 and 65 - antennas ?
kit parts 106 and 107 - big dorsal cover for MEL ARI.5991 Sea Searcher I-band surface-search radar

Missing in the kit:

attachment points with AM-39 Exocet rails
(NOTE: attachment points on all airframes, but no pics for QA-34, QA-35, QA-36 and QA-37 with either rails or rails with Exocets)
(NOTE 2: only one picture shows 2 x AM-39 Exocet rockets carried together, for QA-30 during pre-delivery trials)
(NOTE 3. you can take rails from Heller Super Puma kit and rockets from the same kit or from Eduard 672060 set or from Reskit 72-0195 set)
(NOTE 4: the support struts for Exocet rails are different from Brazil (Sikorski-built) Seakings, but same as on Pakistani (Westland-built) Seakings
metal main rotor blades - alter the composite ones by the instructions step 43 (later composite blades, but in Gulf war 100% photo proof for metal blades)
port pressure-refuelling point - next to the sliding door like on HC.4, BUT moved more aft (check and compare with pictures) - probably interference with cable connections for the AM-39 Exocet rails (photo of Brazilian Seaking shows connection to rails in the place of the pressure-refuelling point)
Decals for the kit:

You can use Xtradecal X72351 for Mk.3 "QA-30".